RS’11 IIIT Delhi

So, last week we had IIIT Delhi’s Research Showcase for the first time.
Undergrad students showed off posters of their term projects to judges and audience, for their votes.

I really enjoyed it, we (Phd students) did a full review of the applicants. We wrote out detailed review via easychair (pretty good). Just some pointers for next time though:

  1.  We need more tracks. Maybe this was the first time and we didn’t expect so much variety.
  2.  Little more outlet of creativity and innovation. So i like (in the future) to see robots, smart mobile apps, straw bridges (yes, i said it), nice designs and graphics.
  3.  Some students should have and show-off their pass time projects. Software that they built for the fun of it.

Must point out also some of the projects I really liked.

Disha: Oh, yah! you guys are IIIT’s stars. I think you didnt get first place cause we already heard so much about you. Consider porting your entire app onto the phone, thrash the server-client model. Probably you can break down Delhi’s map into quadrants to make computation on phone light.

PNR: LOL! I heard your story behind the project, funny as hell. You should consider logging all the info you collect so you can learn and generate probability of confirmation. I wonder if you would have won if there was a track on innovation

hmm… who else?.. the Assignment peer review system was good, but you didn’t give  a reason to shift from available systems like easychair. But i see your point. Well done guys.

Congrats KD for yet another fine job managing the event. Its surprising but your work ethic is an inspiration.

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